Learn about Health, through Poetry
We have found the perfect way to marry both
We write poems about health…
…and all kinds of poems
Videos help to pass our message
…and we elaborate on our poems
Our poems are simple, and easy to understand
Victim of Wrong Rescue (How to save a life Right)
I awoke to ramming on metal pleat,
legs tingly like I tarried on toilet seat,
back receiving waves of shock and heat,
but thankful I could wiggle my feet...
Amúnibúni: the one who brings great shame to the family
I will put these words in a mirror frame:
"Amúnibúni the harbinger of shame;
the one who soils the family name"
One day, you will see who is to blame...
Below the Poverty Line (Life in the Trenches)
There exists a line, albeit arbitrary,
above which defines normalcy or luxury
and below, a world of penury
but can words describe the misery?
above which defines normalcy or luxury
and below, a world of penury
but can words describe the misery?
Stroke: focus on the little details of a Brain Attack
I could leverage on existing hypertension,
diabetes, high cholesterol, atrial fibrillation,
blood vessel disorders and malformation,
or habits begging for lifestyle modificat...
We also present our poems as videos, which we embed, in our articles, to give a wholesome perspective
Unlike your regular medical site, we present information about health, using poetry; unlike regular poetry however, we elaborate.